I like a game with personality, and this one has it. We play a rustic-type, the caretaker of a church, not very up on his theology but very up on his vegetable farming. When demons kidnap our good bird-dog, we are compelled to descend through the layers of Hell to rescue the animal.
The voice, as befits the hero of the story, is folksy and charming. He's a simple fellow, a little child-like in his beliefs, the sort of person who accepts faith as fact. This down-home flavour combined with some of the more worldly challenges made for some great comedic description: I remember laughing at our hero's reactions to the succubus, who would insist on doing "something unwatchable/unmentionable/unsomethingable" with most of the vegetables one could care to give her. I say "most" because, of course, almost every demon here is defeated or otherwise overcome through the use of some vegetable or other. It's not exactly Veggie-Tales, but I'd wager that it's funnier.
At its heart, though, it's a simple and charming game, uninterested in provocation. It has no pretensions of being anything more than a fun little puzzle diversion. In the words of the old Shaker hymn, "'tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free, 'tis a gift to come down where we ought to be...."
This is a western omelette, with a large helping of home fries and a side of beans, washed down with a large mug of strong, black coffee.