
We're at summer camp, and we're having dreams in which we are put in specific situations while birds observe our actions and reactions to those situations. Rather like a lab rat. Then the birds try to take over the world, and we have to challenge them to a competition of camp activities.

It's a fairly long story, with six different stats being tracked. These stats don't actually improve, though they change depending on our actions in our dreams. Each stat seems to correspond to a different camp activity, so how well we do in one depends on the relevant stat at the time.

There are several choices along the way, shaping our experience of the camp. Naturally, they also crop up in the all-important final showdown: how do we proceed, what do we do, when all of humanity is depending on our performance? Ah, no pressure....

A second playthrough suggests that our choices don't actually change the general storyline: we're destined to win or lose at various events regardless, and whether we choose wisely or foolishly only dictates whether our win/loss is relatively straightforward or made of slapstick comedy. In this case, I think it might actually be more fun to always make the foolish choice. The game does a good job of masking this, however, and, on my first playthrough, I did feel concern over what only seemed to be a very real possibility of failure.

The writing is brimming with humour and personality. It's such that manipulating the plot towards a successful ending becomes far less important (and it's a given, anyway) than manipulating the plot through a series of humorous developments. One could almost see it as a series of humorous vignettes (the dreams) stitched together by an overarching frame story (the camp). In the end, it's more of an exploration game of how much silliness you can find on your way to the predestined end.

Home fries, baked beans, pancakes with lots of syrup, sausages, mugs of hot cocoa.