
This story here applies the pulp-noir aesthetic to the premise of monster hunting, hence the title. We're basically a monster hunter, but we operate like a private eye: people come to us with their problem spooks, and we go fix them. Except for the few demonic creatures, monsters in this world are actually humans who have come back from the dead. They can be temporarily disabled by being correctly identified out loud (not sure how much sense that makes, but okay) and then the human spirit can be released by naming the reason for the haunting. We have a monster bestiary to help us with the identification; after that, it's a matter of knowing what's up with each monster in its former, human life.

There's often quite a hefty amount of text here before we can get to do anything, but it's written well enough that it doesn't matter. We have a fairly involved plot, gradually incorporating elements from our main protagonist's past and his relationships with the other characters. This sort of thing generally does make branching storylines difficult, if not impossible, so the interactivity in this piece is somewhat less than I like ... though I didn't really notice until most of the way through. The story succeeded in engaging me that well.

The interactivity consists mainly of exploring each case as it appears, and this is something that can be easily lawnmowered. It's not as though exploring one avenue closes off another, which means that this part is really about the order in which we encounter information rather than about any cleverness on our part in sussing out that information. Each case generally ends with a pair of questions -- what is this monster and why is it here -- and that's a matter of how well we've been paying attention to the details. I say "generally" because, as the story progresses and our protagonist gets more deeply involved, the pattern begins to break down. The whole thing really is all about the story, in the end.

As a breakfast, I call this steak and eggs and black coffee. It's breakfast, yes, and a fairly substantial one; though I wonder how steak somehow made it onto the list of acceptable breakfast foods. (Then again, as someone who'll happily scarf down mutton curry for breakfast, I'm one to talk.)