Basilica de Sangre

In this story, we're a young demon out to rescue our mother from the convent where she's been trapped and bound, and the conceit is that we have to do so by possessing the various human characters and utilising their unique strengths to accomplish our goals. For those of us a little squeamish about taking the side of Evil, note to worry: it emerges that the nuns of this convent are not what they seem.

It's a pretty cute game. The characterisations are pretty lightly sketched, but sufficient to our purposes. We're not particularly interested in the various NPCs as people: as a sociopathic demon, they exist for us as tools. Still, the odd glimmer of personality shines through every so often, and the "naughty nun" humour does amuse. It's a light-hearted game, despite the themes and motifs going into it.

Puzzle-wise, I'd say it's pretty decent, just challenging enough that you know you're overcoming something but not so much that you're stalled for long. I did get stuck at one point looking for the right verb (apparently "hit" isn't understood the same way as "punch") but simply making use of the Quest drop-down menus for verbs would have obviated that problem entirely. The possession mechanic is really the highlight of the game, and I have to admit I expected something a bit more ... perhaps a puzzle involving the placement of each character around the map, given that they generally don't move away from where you un-possess (dispossess?) them. But no, that puzzle doesn't happen. The game doesn't really push any envelopes, though the usage of the puzzle mechanic remains fairly decent.

As a breakfast, I think it's cinnamon toast, a soft-boiled egg, and hot chocolate with a dash of cayenne pepper. It seems simple enough, and there's a certain sweetness mingled with a bit of a mildly spicy kick. Generally speaking, pretty unobjectionable.