I had high hopes for this one. The blurb suggested that it would involve a lot of wacky hijinks along the lines of "Bureaucracy". And it does try. The hijinks never quite reach the requisite level of outrageousness, however. Things begin to look up (well, you know what I mean) when a bank robbery occurs just as our hero is about to deposit his cheque with the cashier; but this turns out to be a non-issue. For all the impact that the robbery has, our hero might as well have been standing in a somewhat longer line than he was. That's a missed opportunity if I ever saw one.
The loser protagonist is another trope in Interactive Fiction that does not particularly appeal to me. Even so, most loser protagonists have the advantage of being young loser protagonists, the implication being that they will eventually overcome their circumstances and take over the world, get the girl and show them, show them all. Or something. The loser protagonist here, however, is a middle-aged schmoe sitting in sad, dilapidated surroundings. Leisure Suit Larry was also a middle-aged schmoe of a loser protagonist, but at least Larry was trying to turn his life around. Murphy, here, is already tied down to his current life. There is no hope. The nominal object of the game, the final payment of his mortgage, is really the final nail that will seal him into his current colourless existence. In that respect, perhaps the game's ending really is the best possible thing that could have happened to him at that point.
That said, the game did have a certain charm. The puzzles made sense and felt natural. I did think it could be a lot better than it was.
Eggo waffles, warm but slightly limp and soggy, with margarine and marmalade. Instant coffee.