Implementing the whole of the London Underground system is an interesting and somewhat impressive feat. Implementing all those random passengers was impressive, too. I can imagine the beginnings of a system of randomly generated passengers, and it's still impressive. So, points for setting. I Googled up a map of the London Underground and was able to use it to find my way around. But ... this doesn't seem to actually make a difference.
I quickly found that where I go doesn't seem to matter. Eventually, Story Happens. In the meantime, until Story Happens, I'm just blindly hopping on and off these trains. I suppose Story Continues eventually, but I no longer cared. The stations are all identical, and the impressively generated passengers began to pall. It was as if I were reading a work of static fiction, except it had multiple blank pages in between each section of text, and each blank page had to be laboriously and individually turned.
Now, this is Quest. I did not realise this until much later. Had this been Inform or TADS, I would end the review here and go get my breakfast. But this is Quest. It means that Quest is capable of some seriously eye-opening shenanigans that I had not thought that system capable of before. And that, in spite of the very flawed central core, means I am still impressed.
Imagine you got the best chef in the world. Imagine you got him to make oatmeal. You'll now have the best oatmeal in the world, and maybe he's kicked it up a notch or something, maybe he's done things you never dreamed possible with oatmeal ... but dude, it's still oatmeal. Drink your vending machine coffee and go.