Ah, the old Galileo story. Or is it a myth? I've read quite a bit recently that most of the opposition to Galileo came from the existing scientific community rather than from the Church, and that Galileo's real problem was a self-righteous refusal to submit to a peer review -- you know, one of those things essential to real science. I suppose if anyone is interested, they can go look it up; the veracity of the story is immaterial to quality of the game. Though I will admit to a certain pro-Catholic bias.
So, is this a good game? I find that the implementation is rather shallow, the storytelling simplistic. It's not terrible, but it could stand to be much, much better. Other reviewers have suggested that this is in fact based on Bertolt Brecht's "Life of Galileo". I would guess that the author, as a fan of that work, wanted to adapt a part of it into IF, but didn't really have a plan for doing so. Thus, we get a few seeds of ideas (the implementation of money, the unnecessarily large world map for Florence) that never quite pan out into any real puzzles. The author is, I think, too caught up in the nuts and bolts of implementing stuff to really figure out what he's implementing stuff *for*. As such, some of the game (notably the parts after our hero has left Galileo's home) actually feels like a coding exercise. If that is indeed the case, well, I guess it's a good thing that at least the author chose to practice on something substantially more interesting than a modern apartment.
As a breakfast, I think this might be grainy oatmeal and milk. A bland beginning, but it not without potential.