We're ... I'm not sure what we are, except that we are probably somehow supernatural in nature, and we're charged with the protection of this human child named Kayla. We cannot abide the midday sun, however, and have to leave her alone until evening ... but we can also see the future, and we know that these evil beings are coming for her this afternoon when we're away. So we've got to fiddle with the present to change the future, thus enabling Kayla's survival.
That's a really intriguing premise. Looking at our surroundings, we also see what the future holds in that location, and what we see changes along with what we do and what we set in place. Not only that, the game allows for multiple solutions and a number of red herrings, which combine into a pretty impressive network of possible futures.
And I found no bugs. Considering the complexity that I believe to exist below the surface, this is something remarkable.
One other remarkable thing is the map on the status line, which went a great way towards making the experience a smooth and easy one. A single glance told you where you were vis-a-vis where you wanted to go. I don't know about you, but I frequently have issues confusing east with west, so having the map was a real plus.
One thing, though, is that it's not entirely clear what the situation is with Kayla and our main character. On the other hand, I'm not sure if it's really necessary that we know.
So, was this fun? I think so. I think fiddling with stuff and seeing multiple outcomes come and go before my eyes is awesome. If this were breakfast, it would be eggs scalded in a mug of hot water: whether they're hard-boiled, soft-boiled, or that mysterious "sous-vide, 63-degree" thing that's somewhere in between, will depend on how long you've left them there while attending to your toast soldiers, fried tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, and fruit. You'll have to crack one open to see. To drink, we have fresh goat's milk, pleasantly flavoured from a diet of alpine herbs.