
We're a substitute teacher at a women's college in New England, after the mysterious disappearance of our predecessor. Which, as any canny reader knows, means that shenanigans are afoot. This has to do with the "scientific" planned community (the eponymous Harmonia) that existed on the site of the college in the late 1800s, and the meteor that was its centrepiece until the community's town hall, built around that meteor, burned down.

The story interface is similar to "Stone Harbor", the author's last IFcomp offering, with text playing out on the activation of certain hyperlinks, but this time the interactivity is a little deeper, with a bit of alternate pathing through the middle and different possible endings. The "explication" links don't expand the text itself, but manifest little notes in the margins, a few of which might themselves contain links. These scribbled asides aren't just for the benefit of the reader: those not written by the main character are meant to be actual notes on the in-story artifacts, left by other characters and now being read by the main character.

I liked the writing style, though I feel it had a little less "oomph" than "Stone Harbor" had ... but perhaps that is a function of the viewpoint character. They can't all be charming rogues; though Abby Fuller, our heroine this time around, does have a bit of understated snark in her if you follow all her asides.

Unless I'm mistaken, though, there's at least one plothole spoiling the whole story: if the machine at the centre of the shenanigans requires a non-passenger to operate, then how did the original users make their return trips? Either I missed that bit, or someone at the college knows more about what's going on than they're telling. Also, interesting as the scribbled asides were, it seems odd for the main antagonist to have left the notes that they did. This sort of thing breaks the immersion just a little bit.

All in all, I enjoyed the ride. The presentation was attractive, and the conceit of the scribbled asides was interesting. I wonder if perhaps certain aspects of the story could have stood a little more consideration. It's like waffles with Vermont maple syrup; a little hastily made, perhaps, resulting in the waffles being a bit oddly shaped and having a few holes here and there where the maple syrup leaks through, but that doesn't alter the flavour or the crispness one bit. Served with a side of strawberries and lots of tea.